sustainability consultant

sustainability work placements

Helping young women secure jobs which save the planet!

New work experience opportunities for female change makers COP26 in Glasgow amplified the urgency for decisive action on our climate and ecological crisis. Now, more than ever, we need young people who are inspired, empowered and skilled to help keep global temperatures below 2C. To support this Catalyse Change are launching a new work experience programme for young women – 18-24 yrs – in partnership with ERM, Vattenfall and Burges-Salmon. We will provide sustainability work placements and training next year…

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My Green Career: Environment & Sustainability Consultant

Name: Jenny Hughes Job title: Environment and Sustainability Consultant Qualifications: MA Hons Geography and Politics (Edinburgh University), MSc (Ongoing) Environmental Management (Open University) Why did you become an environment/sustainability professional? At school I got interested in climate change and global systems through studying Geography. I really enjoyed the combination of human/ physical geography and the understanding it gives of the worlds systems. At university, I got very interested in the concept of sustainability and my favourite modules were about renewable…

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My Green Education & Career – Kate Bruintjes

Name: Kate Martin Bruintjes Job: Director, Green Unlimited, Bristol Qualifications: MSc Environmental Science Why did you become an environment/sustainability professional? I followed in my parents’ footsteps – they set up an environmental consultancy in the 1980s and, like them, I was always had a passion in geography/environment at school. For university I wanted to study something more modern and applied than pure geography and found that Environmental Science fitted the bill. What was your first environment/sustainability job? At university I considered…

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© Catalyse Change 2025.

Catalyse Change CIC is a social enterprise working to inspire and empower young women for happy, healthy & green careers, communities, and the planet. The directors, advisory board and mentors are all women working in sustainability, with a combined wide skill set and expertise, supported by an extensive network of other sustainability professionals who provide expertise and mentoring.

*We welcome trans women, genderqueer women & non-binary people.

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