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By partnering with us, you get to:

  • Access a growing and diverse network of dynamic young women, set to be the next generation of sustainability leaders and changemakers.
  • Make a real difference to the futures of young women, and mark yourself out as a leader for progress.
  • Train mentors with the skills to guide young women along their career paths, while fostering mutual understanding between the young women and your organisation.
  • Increase your brand recognition with the most connected, socially minded, and environmentally conscious generation in history.

Opportunities to partner with us include:

  • Supporting more young women to gain access to our programme content – both in person and online.
  • Producing content designed around your organisation and brand.
  • Offering to mentor a young woman, or working with us to develop a mentoring scheme tailored to your organisation.
  • Supporting you to identify suitable interns, and opportunities to develop pathways to internships that are unique to your organisation.
View our current sponsors


To find out more about our programmes and partnership opportunities…

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© Catalyse Change 2025.

Catalyse Change CIC is a social enterprise working to inspire and empower young women for happy, healthy & green careers, communities, and the planet. The directors, advisory board and mentors are all women working in sustainability, with a combined wide skill set and expertise, supported by an extensive network of other sustainability professionals who provide expertise and mentoring.

*We welcome trans women, genderqueer women & non-binary people.

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