Annual Catalyst Summit & Mentoring Programme
Online 2 day event + 3 month mentoring
The Catalyst Summit and Mentoring Programme is a transformational sustainability programme. It will inspire, empower, and upskill you to pursue and find a purpose-led career in the climate or social impact space. You will benefit from intergenerational mentoring with a woman already working in sustainability. You will be part of a like-minded peer support group who are also passionate about making a difference in the world. You will make new friends and support networks to supercharge your changemaker journey and purpose-led career.
Green Internships & Work Placements
Contact for details Our Green Internship & Work Placements are great for those looking to gain practical skills in a green job. We will match you with a company focused in the sustainability space, for short to longer-term placements. During your placement, you will gain an understanding of the world of work and clarity on what type of career you might want in the future. You will also gain valuable skills to boost your employability through our Green Career masterclass programme.
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Your Green Career Online Course
4 weeks course This 4-week course is perfect for those who want to make a difference and work in sustainability, but are unsure about which green career pathway is the best. This course will develop your confidence, networks, and green skills, help you understand what employers are looking for and how to stand out, and help you grow your professional sustainability network.
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School and Community Workshops
Contact for details We also offer a range of workshops – half or full-day – to inspire young people of school age or community groups to think about a career in sustainability
. These workshops are framed by the
UN Sustainable Development Goals. We design and deliver the workshops to be suitable for mixed age ranges and gender groups. They can be tailored to the groups objectives and needs but generally tend to focus on (1) strengthening female leadership; and (2) finding their passion towards a sustainable future. We can facilitate these online or offline.
Please contact us to discuss your community workshops needs.
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Your Green Career: the handbook for young women and non-binary changemakers
Your Green Career is an inspiring and empowering changemaker handbook – written by our co-founder Traci Lewis – to help you make a difference and land your dream job in sustainability. It is the perfect companion to our Catalyst Summit and Green Career Programmes. Buy your copy today.
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