
My Green Career

Tips for your Green Career

Zoe Montgomery shares Tips for your Green Career – curated from our online course – to help you find your own dream job and pathway for making a difference in the world. What is a green job Friends of the Earth define a green job as “jobs that have a focus on either reducing carbon emissions, restoring nature or making similar environmental improvements.” But they can also be much broader than this. Whilst there is no overarching definition for a…

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mentoring young women

Why should I have a mentor?

As part of our Catalyst Summit, we offer a mentoring programme where you are paired with a woman working in sustainability. This allows you to gain advice and support from someone with experience in the industry to help you on your journey, whether education, career or well-being related. In this blog we explore what this involves, the benefits and help answer the questions ‘Why Should I Have a Mentor?’ Our mission is to work towards gender equity and that involves…

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Emily, green career

Catalyst Voices: My first green job

Emily is from Sheffield and works as an Admin & Communications Coordinator for the Sheffield Climate Alliance. She is also volunteering for us at Catalyse Change, helping us with our digital communications and social media. Here she tells us about her journey to getting her first green job. Tell us a bit about your educational background. I’ve always been more interested in humanities subjects, rather than science-related subjects that might lead more naturally into a climate career, and before I…

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Catalyse Change Ambassadors

Welcome to our new Ambassadors

Welcome to our new Catalyse Change Ambassadors! We are so delighted that some of our fabulous alumni – who  previously attended our programme –  will be helping us to inspire and empower other young women – to be sustainability leaders & change makers. They have all shared why they want to be an ambassador and the importance of helping us to further our mission. “I am a Catalyse Change ambassador to promote the benefits of your work, as most people…

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Green Higher Education

Get your copy of our new Green Education ebook!

Thinking about studying sustainability or environmentalism? Well we have put together over 150 university degrees and masters to help you. Also lots of shorter online learning options featured too! This is available as a free ebook! Just download Lara, who is featured, shares her experiences of finding the right degree: “When researching and exploring the different options for studying a degree in sustainability I quickly realised how broad the topic is. The fact that there are so many different approaches…

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Green Careers

Finding my Dream Green Career

This month we chat to Eilish, Alice and Olivia who are all in the early stages of their green career journeys. Hear their stories, tips and insights to inspire you on yours. Eilish is currently on a gap year and working as a trial assistant at UCL Cancer Research Centre. She is going to study Biology at Oxford in October. What are your 3 top tips for anyone who wants to pursue a green career? I don’t know if I’m…

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our mentors

Could you mentor a young woman?

We’re delighted to announce that applications for our Catalyse Change 2023 Mentoring Programme are now open, ahead of our 3-day Catalyst Summit taking place this July. As a professional woman working in sustainability, we want to hear from you. Catalyse Change’s Mentoring Programme offers the chance to inspire and help young women and non-binary people – aged 18 – 26 – to gain the clarity, skills and momentum they need to become the next generation of change agents. We are…

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my green career

Inspiration for your Green Career

It’s exciting that catalysts from our programme last year have already found entry-level roles in their dream green careers.  In this blog, you’ll hear from Amelia and Megan who are both working fulltime in jobs they love. Also from Annette, who is working part-time in the renewable energy sector, whilst studying a masters’ in sustainable development. Amelia is a CRM marketing assistant at Ecotricity and a Business and Digital Marketing graduate. What are your three top tips for any other…

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© Catalyse Change 2024.

Catalyse Change CIC is a social enterprise working to inspire and empower young women for happy, healthy & green careers, communities, and the planet. The directors, Board, and mentors are all women working in sustainability, with a combined wide skill set and expertise, supported by an extensive network of other sustainability professionals who provide expertise and mentoring.

*We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and welcome trans women, genderqueer women & non-binary people.

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