Imogen Baines, 22, recent Psychology BSc (Hons) graduate from De Montfort University – shares with us her top 3 takeaways and other learning – from our Catalyst Summit and Mentoring Programme.

I am currently working as a Project Coordinator. My dream green career would be to work within an organisation which cherishes our environment. To find purpose in my work and help bring about meaningful change and betterment for our planet & future

my top 3 takeawaysMy Top 3 takeaways

1. Mentoring has made me more open minded to exploring opportunities on sustainability – the top lesson my mentor gave me is that this process is a journey.

2. Has allowed me to connect with other like-minded and inspiring young women. Which, in turn, has reassured me I am not alone in my feelings on the climate crisis and our future.

3. Mentoring helped to develop my resiliency concerning both my career progression to work in the sustainability field and my own personal self-belief.

What do you now do differently as a result of being on it?

With the new knowledge I have gained on the programme, I won’t let myself forget to venture further afield into sustainability and the vast array of fulfilling and meaningful work that can be done.

The programme has truly helped me to feel less lost and see a much wider scope of opportunities that I never realised before. Overall – I won’t let fear rule me!


sustainability mentoringHow would you recommend it to a friend?

The Catalyst Change Summit and Mentoring Programme has been a truly invaluable

Through learning activities on the programme, green career knowledge is
developed, and this helps to offer guidance if feeling lost about where to start when wishing to pursue a truly green and sustainable career.

The programme also offers connectedness and hugely beneficial guidance and development through mentorship.

Green Career Paths

The mentoring on the programme helped me to develop professionally through highlighting to me, the vast array of green career paths that exist and great work that can be done. But also helped develop me personally, through growing my confidence and self-belief and connecting with others on the programme. I would recommend taking part in the programme without a second thought!

A truly valuable and treasured experience I will undoubtedly be taking forward with me to progress both personally and professionally.

If you would like to find out about this year’s programme please email us at