visionary questions 2

More visionary questions form the speakers: D. Lola Okunrinboye – Chartered environmental and sustainability professional What if there were no racism and climate & social justice went hand in hand? E. Emma Askew – Environmental researcher & filmaker What if optimistic narratives were used in communication to engage the unengaged in environmental challenges? F. Jenna Holliday – Gender & migration specialist What if people knew the exploitation that was involved in the things they consume? G. Dr Zara Nana – CEO Gap Squared What if at least half all leadership positions were filled by women?

© Catalyse Change 2024.

Catalyse Change CIC is a social enterprise working to inspire and empower young women for happy, healthy & green careers, communities, and the planet. The directors, Board, and mentors are all women working in sustainability, with a combined wide skill set and expertise, supported by an extensive network of other sustainability professionals who provide expertise and mentoring.

*We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and welcome trans women, genderqueer women & non-binary people.

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