Name: Laurie Davies
Job title: Senior Caseworker for Member of Parliament and
Councillor, Stroud Town Council
Qualifications: MSc Marketing and Communications, BA Joint Honours in English Literature and Education
Why did you become an environment/sustainability professional?
From my initial experiences of volunteering with a social action charity I was inspired by the ability of people and myself to make positive change on many issues, along with the importance of engaging with young people and communities in general to enable change to happen, and the difference that can be made when young people and communities feel they have a voice and our listened to.
What was your first environment/sustainability job?
How did you get your first role?
I first started volunteering with Envision in my second year of my undergraduate course in Bristol. I then secured a part time role as a school support worker in my final year of university and then successfully gained a place on their internship scheme after graduating. When I left after 4 year I was working as a project coordinator at their Bristol office.
How did you progress your environment/sustainability career?
After Envision a took a career break to spend time with my young son. During this time I ran a successful election campaign with my son in toe to become a local councillor as well as start a Masters degree in Marketing and Communications with the intention of using these new skills within the charity sector once completed.
What does your current role involve?
How has your role changed over the past few years?

As a the youngest member of the Stroud Town Council, I make it my priority to make sure decisions made are taken with consideration to how they may affect young people in our town. I am also passionate in supporting local projects through the various community fund grants we run.
What’s the best part of your work?
Working with people that are passionate about caring for the world and the people in it as well as having the opportunity to have a positive impact on peoples lives.
What’s the hardest part of your job?
Seeing things that I feel desperately need changing to create a fairer and empowering society and not having the power to make those changes.
What was the last development/training course/event you attended?
What did you bring back to your job?
They different ways in which to communicate ideas and views, that is so important when wanting to create positive change and inform people of different ways of thinking.
What is/are the most important skill(s) for your role and why?
Listening. Its such a simple thing but so crucial. I believe we all have the obligation to listen and hear other peoples views or how things affect people differently. Without listening we would never know the changes needed to make our environment and society a better place to live. More listening and conversations are always needed.
Where do you see the environment/sustainability profession going?